Tools for Data Infrastructure#

In the last section, we talked about the engineering practice, a body of “art” that consists of knowledge and accepted best-practice that supports experts in making context-sensitive decisions.

The other key component to problem solving in-context is a suite of tools in your “toolbox”. Tools enable experts to efficiently accomplish their goals, and understanding the tools being used within your community will help you critique and contribute to other work, as well. If the practice is a technical community’s mutual direction or heading, we might think of these tools as the infrastructure of a technical community.

Data Science tools, and text-analysis tools, by extentsion, care a great deal about how data gets used, so, let’s call this idea data infrastructure.

Data Infrastructure

digital infrastructure promoting data sharing and consumption

This, like the section before, is worth a course of it’s own: spanning development- and data-operations, software engineering principles, information maintainers, human factors, and plenty of cautionary tales.

What’s the Big Idea?#

Rather than delving too deep here, it’s important to get an idea of what the “big challenge” is, and some basic tools to get started for this course, specifically.

Theory vs. Practice#

Analysts, data scientists, etc., would like to:

  1. Load their data

  2. Grab their trusty libraries of well-documented tools

  3. \(\rightarrow\) pipeline \(\rightarrow\)

  4. Report out results that anyone can use and trust!

Like the “magic” practices from last section, this “alchemical” tool called a “pipeline” is so nice, assuming all the libraries , tools, and data work together like they should.

In reality,~80% of an analyst’s time is spent wrangling and preprocessing their data… everyone re-invents the wheel for almost every analysis!

Containerize — Data Packages!#

I won’t lie, this is a super sticky, outstanding problem. Many groups, around the world, are working on making data more reusable and reduce the load on analysts. See, for instance, the massive undertaking behind the FAIR Data Principles [Wilkinson et al., 2016]:

  • Findable

  • Accessible

  • Interoperable

  • Accessible

Or, for a more tooling-centric approach, the Open Knowledge Foundation has the Frictionless Data initiative to make open software and standards.

In yet another parallel to the previous section, many solution types revolve around isolation, by bundling context-specific tools and data together in reproducible and transparent ways. These “bundles”, or “containers”, are often called data packages, that treat data the way the software engineering community has learned to treat code (i.e. Development Operations, or DevOps).

Lesson from History

Shipping cargo pre-1956 looks a lot like data engineering does today:

  • costs were skewed 10-to-1 toward the loading/unloading phases

  • Teams of dock-workers numbered in the 100’s

  • Why? Loading was specialized, as combinatoric case-by-case:

    • per-cargo-type (bananas? vehicles? oil?) needed special concerns

    • per-ship (length? width? fuel cost?) again, special concerns

Shipping containers changed this completely! [Ebeling, 2009]

  • Containers provide a uniform loading/unloading interface for ships (cranes\(\rightarrow\)trains\(\rightarrow\)trucks)

  • The modular storage shape unified ship design needs (lots of identical boxes, stacked high)

  • Interiors of each container were still a mess… but solving was asynchronous & distributed.

Getting Started#

Here’s a couple types of tools to get started down the path to this idea:


Apply DevOps principles to data as DataOps, which treats Data-as-Code. Through clever extension of Source Control Management, we can exploit existing DevOps infrastructure for

  • Dependency management and provision

  • Version Control and releases

  • Reproducibility and programmatic access

So, we start with a DevOps baseline of SCM (git, mercurial, etc.) plus a social collaboration and project management system, like,, GitTea, etc.


We will be using git

  • Not installed? conda install git in the base environment, assuming you followed along up to now.

  • Read up on why we care about git so much. Blischak et al. [2016] have you covered (and use git themselves).

and GitHub

  • Acts like a “remote” for your code/text to get backed-up/synced to

  • Adds lots of nice social and project management features on top of commits/branches (e.g. Pull Requests, issues, forks, etc.)

From here, add a layer that extends SCM to work nicely with large data files (it doesn’t by default, for similar reasons that it doesn’t like .ipynb files). Examples of this idea include git-LFS, Pachyderm, Quilt, and DVC.


We will be using dvc

  • Think “makefile + git-lfs”. It version controls data, and makes connections to code/other data explicit. Get started here.

  • install as project requirement conda install dvc-STORAGE or package dependency pip install dvc[STORAGE], where STORAGE {ssh, html, s3, ...}

  • Use it to get and share data cleanly. dvc import will grab other data out there, dvc pull gets the latest data when available, and the commit, pull, add commands mimic git but for your data tracked with DVC.

  • The current GitHub equivalent for DVC is, which we use for this course to store and supply datasets on-demand.

Documentation- and Test-driven “Development”#

There are some best-practices that will take your project to the “next level”, and provide a lot of peace-of-mind if implemented throughout the project (rather than at the end, in a rush)!

First, Documentation of data infrastructure is your container’s “cargo manifest”. This can be as simple as a, or as complex as a pretty webpage, a dashboard, and beyond. Some notes:

  • Separation of form and content will make refactoring much easier \(\rightarrow\) use Plain text (markdown)

  • Writing as a team, but using distributed and asynchronous collaboration \(\rightarrow\) use Version control (git)

  • Ok, but make sure I can deploy PDF’s, websites, etc? \(\rightarrow\) toeghter, we’ve got a Static site generator


  • Static site generators, like sphinx or mkdocs for python. Build it early and often!

  • This site is built on jupyter-book to turn markdown and jupyter notebooks into beautiful documentation.

  • mkdocs-material is another popular option for modern mkdocs.

Finally, the phrases “unit test” and “schema validation” get a bad rap in our community. But it helps if you think of writing “tests” more like installing sensors in your “shipping container”. They provide a suite of positive assertions about your (the authors’) expectations and assumptions about the code and data. They are your eyes and ears into what happens when conditions around and inside your “container” changes.


Make your (and everyone else’s) life easier by adding semantic information about your data. Options include

  • jsonschema? Try pydantic

  • GraphQL? strawberry is new and shiny, built to work like/with pydantic.

  • Straight DataFrames? Try pandera, also working on pydantic interop.

  • More general tabular solution: frictionless framework is quite powerful.

  • Intake can help both with making data packages and describing the datasets themselves.

Unit tests will help you find mistakes and collaborate with peace-of-mind. For python, specifically:

  • pytest in general, as the current de-facto standard.

  • datatest and/or pandera for your data.

  • hypothesis can automatically generate tests through parameterization.


Phew, that was a lot of ground. It probably feels overwhelming, but what I actually want to do is help you feel like you are not alone. So many classes focus on theory and application as a separate thing from the tools being used within a community. There is an infrastructure out there, and though it may be ever-changing and vast, it is crucial to invest time into teaching yourself some new tricks.

Plus, nearly all of the tools mentioned here, anecdotally, will end up saving time, in the not-so-long run. After all, they are like the paved roads to your direction. You might need to learn how to drive, but you’ll get many more places, much faster, on the highway than on the gravel trail.


Mark D Wilkinson, Michel Dumontier, IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Gabrielle Appleton, Myles Axton, Arie Baak, Niklas Blomberg, Jan-Willem Boiten, Luiz Bonino da Silva Santos, Philip E Bourne, and others. The fair guiding principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Scientific data, 3(1):1–9, 2016.


CE Ebeling. Evolution of a box. Invention and Technology, 23(4):8–9, 2009.


John D Blischak, Emily R Davenport, and Greg Wilson. A quick introduction to version control with git and github. PLoS computational biology, 12(1):e1004668, 2016.